KONSUM-server pages are no webart. They are project-pages to work with it. They are TOOLs for social real life events. We use it for DJing lectures and you can use it to transform data-streams for your data-enjoyment.
<mis en scène> of TRACES: One web-page serves for the generation of realtime data-objects (the latter we call it objectiles refering to the definition of DJ Spooky for electronic art-pieces as "social relevant objectiles in the electronic milieu of cyberspace"). Other pages on Konsum can be used to generate sound (nTracker and traceroute project), others to download applications and movies (the areal project) and others to give installation instructions for multiuser environments or game levels (linx3d).
[ -l linx3D ] [ -n nTracker ] [ -t traceroute ] [ -a areal ] [ -o objectiles ] [ -e events ]
<we create and recombine>: tcpdump similar software (mirroring everything that came through the network card of the machine used for accessing any digital network)+ nTracker sounds+objectiles for the navigable filmarchitecture+ interactive multiuser playing-levels + machinima movies.
No extra user survey is necessary for nTracker. Just protocoll immanent procedures of networked environments - WAN (Worldwide Area Network) and LAN (Local Area Network) - are used. From the logfiles info-objects are rendered. Here we insert the concept of Lust. The transformation of navigable data-objectiles into lust-full playable environments follows. By moving through the info-architecture sound is triggered. Its sources are transformed data-traces again. The realtime produced (by actions of users and by data-transformation) and realtime generated screen-projection at a live event demonstrates a new format of a digital fullfeature film.
<a new online movie format>: The machinima came out of a netculture-praxis of kids and gamers to show their best results in an interactive realtime game in an "movie" to the community. Realtime online movies of almost no file size are not to be compared with big QT-movies. They are live generated on every display machine. Just its structural "program"- information is transfered via the network.
The artistic project is a netcultural crack of these stereotype shooter aesthetics and action-patterns (Handlungsweisen). http://www.konsum.net/areal
In the ntracker concept the movies are getting their filmarchitecture from datatransfer objects. The gamelike and moredimensional 3D data-environments are based on information we get out from the net-codetexts.
<you are an spectacteur>: Gamebased multiuserlevels are downloadable via the net. Once installed they serve as alternative networkprotocol to meet with a community in realtime interaction. (we cal the effect that these techniques are potential alternatives to the Web "emergenz-engine"). When I move my data-head the dislocated virtual partner logged in can see it in realtime. We can exchange our data-objectiles inside the info-object environment. We shoot out our databodies to each other. By moving through the environment sounds are triggered by us. We are the users and creators at the same time. http://linx3d.konsum.net
<DEMOnstrate>: We were inspired by a new software principal that combines timestamps and sound-MODules. Very small filesize and realtime performance are its result.
<economic crack>: The concept came out of the game demo scene. Demos are movie intros to interactive multiuser environments. This means it is based on illegal cracks of commercial gamesoftware and on the desire of creating an anonymous signature like in graffities. http://www.konsum.net/ntracker
<Data objects> are 3dimensional objects generated of dataflow processes between servers, users and datapackets. Machine-communication is its rawdata. Then information of personal navigation and geografical routing of datapackets is mapped on the coordinates of the objects as additional n information dimension. http://www.konsum.net/vrml/topol.html
<Use navigation-objectiles>: Data is processed into navigable virtual objects. They become "gamelevels". Then we print 3D Hardware-Tools to have real 3D objects as navigation device. The can help you to navigate through the virtual3D data-model. The haptics is back! Feel it with your fingertips!
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Zagreb 26thYouth Salon 2001 |
<c'est pas mon choix!>: DJing lecture events combine and demonstrate in a showcase the use and live sampling of the Webpage-Tools. In a lecture situation the "mediator superfem" is presenting her autotheory (based on the simultanously projected work). The "mutator moswitzer" is operating the nTracker soundgeneration and navigating live through multiuser-objectiles. Online users are triggering the in situ mix with screen-projections of machinima films. Participant, it is not your free choice, you are tracked in our Information Technologies Society: http://www.konsum.net/2000/live.html
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DEAF Rotterdam 1996, Budapest Media Research Foundation 1997, ars electronica center 1998, steirischer herbst 1999 |
nTracker merges several mediaworker tactics developed over the netlife-years on the artists digital homebase, the Konsum _Slackerserver. Konsum Slacker Server= Art_Server: Konsum is a slacker server that refers to the independent subversive cultural praxis of slacking. This means doing sth else than working in your working time as political attitude.Some people were chatting or programming software. Linux was one result of that. The Konsum server was setup as linux server in 95. The server- and networkprotocolls were used as arts-material. On the server itself we host an small arts-community. This is our understanding of an artserver.
nTracker sums up principals of an programmpoietic networked art in different processual steps exposed on the Konsum server: The projects hosted here deal with the conceptual transfer of network processes into hedonist environments.They are always collaborative projects: COOPerations with theorists, technologists and artists. Therefore a CODE-critique is present in the works. Some of them can be read as radical constructivist world builder projects. Their programm structure is as follows:
spured on Feb 2001 by Margarete Jahrmann and Max Moswitzer
mutator@konsum.net (a mutator makes small mutations of programms)